Beemaster Member Web Cams
Video Cams of Forum Members - high tech beekeeping

Here is an EVER GROWING PAGE of Beemaster Forum Members - Please RIGHT CLICK and choose open in NEW WINDOW for any member you wish to see on cam. Coming soon we will have a means of detecting which cams are online and which are not, for now - read the bio info for each cam member, remember to right click and choose open in new window, resize each window o allow as many open as you wish.

BEEMASTER TV - 24/7 beekeeping videos - soon to be dozens and dozens of  bee videos - on demand too!
BEEMASTER - John's Personal Cam DALLAS - from Lake City FL and his family
BUZZBEE - Ken in Cenral PA and his family BUD 1 - Jolly Bud loves Voice and Video Chat.
JIM 134 - Jim enjoys camming and ventrilo voice chat MUSTBENUTS - enjoys camming it with our members
CWBEES - Chris Loves to show off his Parrot Cam KEN B - from Illinois Ken is a new cam member
GEOFF - from Australia, one of our longest chat members.

JOSH - Son of Buzzbee's web cam
CJ - one of our members live cam

As More and More members join Video Chat, you will see all their links here. I suggest that members with cams add their cam address to their profile too, to give our cam channels the most exposure to our members.

Also, expect special events, beekeepers doing hive body constructions, installing frame parts, working their hive, breeding and transfering queens, putting nucs together and much more special events, THESE WILL ALL BE IN THE BEEMASTER2008 24/7 streaming video room - with announcements in the forum and forum calendar.

To add your CAM to our list, please email me at: